We are both moms, wives, Pilates instructors, small business owners, health coaches and passionate about wellness. We are obsessed with helping others find sustainable health in their own life.

Meet Caitlin

Caitlin Hatzenbuhler, Owner Conscious Core and Co-Host of Well2You Podcast

Caitlin is a Corporate America drop-out that fell victim to the effects of too much stress, not enough movement, and being completely disconnected from herself.

She began Pilates in 2010 to help with debilitating health issues and became a believer in the power of movement to heal. She has been an avid practitioner of Pilates since then to stay strong, centered, and move with more ease through a crazy life with two young boys, a husband, and household.

After years of thinking about it and finally hitting rock-bottom in her health, she made the leap. Leaving her corporate career to become a Pilates instructor with continuing education to work with pre and postnatal women and other related issues such as Diastasis Recti.

She recently completed her certification as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to further support moms in their overall wellness.

She lives in Livermore, California and in her free time loves doing pilates, going to the beach, camping, doing anything with sunshine and water, cooking with and for her family. And wine. She loves wine.

 Caitlin offers online pilates services, a postnatal core strengthening program and online health coaching. You can learn more are 

www.consciouscore.co or contact her at caitlin@consciouscore.co

Meet Sue

Sue McCarroll, Owner of Opal Wellness Studio and Co-Host of the Well2You Podcast

Sue began practicing Pilates at a time in her life when she was struggling to find balance as a new mom to three young boys. The immediate benefits Pilates had on her mind and body ignited in her a desire to share Pilates with others. Sue earned her comprehensive Pilates instructor certification and became a certified health and wellness coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  

Sue believes Pilates is for all people and all bodies. She has undergone specialized training in Pilates for injury rehabilitation, prenatal and postnatal Pilates, and Pilates for breast cancer patients and survivors. She has created a holistic wellness group program, Opalife, which combines Pilates, wellness coaching and a members-only community to help her clients reach their personal goals through movement, motivation, support and accountability. 

Sue has a background in professional dance and dance instruction, and holds degrees in dance, nutrition and education from Rutgers University. She lives in New Jersey, with her husband, three sons, and pup.

You can learn more about Sue and her programs at https://www.opalwellnessstudio.com or contact her at Sue@opalwellnessstudio.com